Murder Condoned


Some people hate authority – or so they believe. The Pope has authority, the President has authority, Judges have it, and Congress, but so did Hitler. The problem with authority doesn’t lie within the power of authority but the nature of the one with the power. Who do you let make daily decisions for you?

If you responded “no one does” let me revive your thinker. Our Country has a system where we place people in power, to run our Government, and yes make choices for us all. I shake my head when I hear “well I am just not going to vote”. Rest assured when you refuse to get involved, that refusal in itself is a decision and not a very good one.

Our Country’s political parties seem more like spectators instead of leaders. Different groups with specific agendas are ready to pounce. Watching to see what is going to happen next and which political side will appear the most to blame. The recent tragedy in Arizona was not exempt from this behavior. But a particular group or political party did not pull the trigger. There isn’t a law that can be passed to prevent crazy INDIVIDUALS from doing the unimaginable.

While our Nation has faced a great deal throughout our history, we have always managed to prevail as the greatest Country to ever exist! Our greatest tragedy would be allowing a few to destroy the foundation of America. A foundation built on Judeo-Christian principles, freedom, justice, values & imaginative ideas that make America the most sought after place to live in the world. If we allow our Constitution to be stalked and murdered, our life as we know it can never be the same. If we want our Country to thrive we cannot pull the foundation out from under it. We are “One Nation under God” and let us never condone any attempt to dismantle who we are! Lest we all become guilty of murder, the death of our Nation.

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