Daily Prayer: March 21


Psalm 67:5-7. “May the peoples praise You, O God; may all the peoples praise You. Then the land will yield its harvest, and God, our God, will bless us, and all the ends of the earth will fear Him.”
O God, we praise You for the way You have designed the earth to meet so many of our needs. The clouds give water. The trees yield fruit. The ground grows food. We thank You for the abundant harvest that fills our stores with good things to eat.

We pray today for our local farmers and for those across the world whose labor results in the provision of food for the people. Remind us that You provide the very air we breathe and that our lives are truly in Your hands.

Some people struggle to have enough to eat. Some are without a way to earn their money to buy food. We thank You for the community food banks that offer help to those who need it. Your word tells us that Your children will not have to beg for bread because You always have a way to provide it.

We now ask for spiritual food for this person who pauses in prayer for Jesus taught us that we do not live by bread alone but need a spiritual meal from Your word every day. In His name we feast!


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