Trump endorses Burt Jones for Lieutenant Governor of Georgia
Election, Politics, Press Release September 2, 2021
JACKSON – Today, September 2, 2021, President Donald J. Trump endorsed conservative candidate Burt Jones for Lieutenant Governor of Georgia.
Both Trump and Jones have shared and forwarded the endorsement to numerous media outlets. Jones’ campaign also attached a statement saying, “In 2016 and 2020, Burt served as President Trump’s campaign co-chair in Georgia, and he was the first elected official in Georgia to endorse the President. As President Trump’s endorsement proves, Burt is the only candidate in the race for Lieutenant Governor who will safeguard and advance the America First agenda, fight for election integrity, and deliver results for hardworking Georgians.”
Trump’s endorsement stated: “State Senator Burt Jones is a Conservative warrior running for Lieutenant Governor of Georgia. No on has fought harder for Election Integrity than Burt, and no state needs it more. A businessman and Patriot, Burt will always stand for America First, and will help bring back Energy Independence, a Stronger Border, Low Taxes, Great Education, and Safe Cities. He will also get to the bottom of the Nov. 3 Presidential Election Scam. Burt Jones has my Complete and Total Endorsement. He will not let the great people of Georgia down!”
In an email statement today, Burt Jones responded by saying, “I am honored and humbled to receive the endorsement of President Donald J. Trump in my campaign for Lieutenant Governor of Georgia. I am the only person in my race who has had the President’s back from day one, and it’s an honor to have his full support. As Lieutenant Governor, I will work to advance the President’s America First agenda and continue to grow our economy, improve our schools, secure our elections, and keep Georgia safe. I look forward to traveling the state and meeting with the good people of Georgia as we work toward a big win in November 2022.”
Vernon Jones visits Pickens Republican Party
News, Politics July 14, 2021
JASPER, Ga. – Running for Governor in the State of Georgia, candidate Vernon Jones stopped by Pickens County and their local Republican Party meeting this week to discuss his campaign, Brian Kemp, racism, and the election.

Vernon Jones arrives at the Pickens Room in Jasper, Georgia, to speak with the Pickens Republican Party on July 13, 2021.
With words of encouragement on Tuesday, July 13, 2021, Jones told the over crowded Pickens Room in the bottom of the Pickens County Administrative Building that he was the candidate to return Georgia to the people. Spending much of his time on major issues like the voter rights, elections security, racial divisiveness, and the Democrat Stacey Abrams, Jones told Pickens County Republicans that he is the only candidate who can save Georgia and the only candidate who can beat the democrats “no matter who they bring.”
The Pickens Room had several people standing as every seat was taken. In fact, he spent more time answering questions in the meeting than he did giving his initial speech spending nearly 38 minutes on his speech and nearly 52 minutes answering questions.
Those questions ranged from asking for promises to get rid of the Dominion Voting system to how he could fight against the “biased media.”
A large portion of his time in both his speech and questions, the majorly common theme the Jones addressed was racism and hypocrisy as he said the left can’t play the “race card” against him. He noted how he had been assaulted by a gay transgendered person because he didn’t agree and and follow the democrat party. Jones said he never left the Democrat Party, they left him.
As he spoke about his transition to Republican Party, Jones added how current Governor Brian Kemp betrayed the party and made backroom deals with Stacey Abrams that led to “Stacey’s Law” and the corruption of Georgia’s election process.
Questions continued until, ultimately, Chairman Mora had to call for two final questions and the end of the meeting. However, this did not stop one more act as one of those present asked to pray for Jones before he left the meeting.

Georgia Governor Candidate, Vernon Jones speaks about the elections, security, racism, and Georgia’s potential within the states.
Jones has been endorsed by other Republicans and current Trump supporters like Rudy Giuliani. A case that, he said during the meeting, came from his early support, even as a Democrat, for Trump.
Support came from others in the room as well. Gina Rolsten, a newer member who only got into politics in recent years, said that she had been interested to hear Jones speak as she has been excited to have him as a candidate. Having met all the primary candidates, she said that Vernon Jones was “by far” the most in line with what she believed Georgia needs. Rolsten said she had heard Jones speak before the Pickens meeting, but was very interested in seeing others come out to listen. When asked, Rolsten said she had no care that he had been Democrat saying, “I know what his values are. I know what he stands for.”
Jeri Haid said she had been invited by a friend to listen to Jones. Also unmoved by his former Democrat status, Haid said she believed a lot of Democrats are starting to realize they are “old school” Democrats. Haid noted that even members of her family, who have been lifelong Democrats, are starting to pull away from the party as they don’t agree on the same values anymore. She wants a more united nation as she said she just wants us to be free again. She said, “If you want to go to church, go to church. If you don’t want to go to church, don’t go to church.” Be free to do what you want.
It was a them echoed by Jones who said he didn’t care what people wanted to do, he simply wants to end the corruption and the culture of telling others who and what they are. He gave an example quoting President Joe Biden as he said if you don’t vote for me, you aren’t black.
Ask The Doc! Ascites And Spindle Cell Sarcoma
Community May 2, 2021
This week, the Doctors discuss Ascites in a patient whose lung Cancer is being treated by the Jimmy Carter Immune Therapy. What is it? How is it treated? They also touch on the Spindle Cell Sarcoma. How serious is it? What are the different kinds of Sarcomas? The doctors also give a brief Covid update.
Voter Security Reform Legislation – Non-citizen ID Should Not Be “Proper ID” at Georgia polls
Politics February 19, 2021
Written And Submitted By: State Representative Charlice Byrd
The right to vote in a free and fair election is fundamental to our civil society. This sacred right, upon which our democracy rests, cannot be taken for granted, nor can we afford for it to be eroded away by a lack of confidence in our elections. I, like so many other Georgians, believe that we have an obligation to do everything possible to ensure election security and integrity.
There are many policy solutions being discussed to make Georgia’s elections the most secure in the country. I offer a simple, commonsense solution to add another degree of security to the actual voting process. A simple clarification to Georgia’s voter ID code and clearly marking “NOT VOTER ID” on driver’s licenses issued to non-citizens. This will help alleviate the pressure and confusion of poll workers and election volunteers.
Many Georgians may be surprised to learn Georgia issues a driving and official ID credential to non-citizens that are nearly identical to what many voters use as their official ID to vote. The only difference in appearance from mine are the words “LIMITED TERM” across the top in capital letters.
Furthermore, there is nothing in state law that prohibits these non-citizen driver’s licenses or ID cards to be used as “proper identification/photo ID” for voting purposes. This may have been an oversight, but many are convinced this loophole in voter ID security should be closed without delay.
Currently, the law says that “proper identification” for presentation to a poll worker when voting consist of a Georgia driver’s license, a valid Georgia voter identification card “or other valid identification card issued by a branch, department, agency, or entity of the State of Georgia, any other state, or the United States authorized by law to issue personal identification, provided that such identification card contains a photograph of the elector.”
The law also allows for acceptance of valid U.S. passports, government employee photo ID, a valid tribal identification card containing a photograph of the elector and military identification. The law does not explicitly exclude the driver’s licenses or ID cards the Department of Drivers Services (DDS) issues to non-citizens of any description.
The Motor Voter Registration system in use in Georgia has proven to be less than perfect in other states. To be clear, Motor Voter has allowed non-citizens to register to vote around the nation according to reports in the Associated Press and NPR and the Pew Center. This obvious and needless loophole in Georgia law needs to be fixed.
I have introduced HB 228 to fix this loophole, (OCGA 21-2-417 ) which deals with “Presentation of identification to poll workers; form of proper identification;…” to add language to specifically exclude from acceptance the driver’s licenses and ID cards issued to non-citizens. The legislation will also change current law to require DDS to add the phrase “BEARER NOT U.S. CITIZEN – NOT VOTER ID” to all driver’s licenses and ID cards issued to non-citizens. This will help remove the possibility of confusion or accidental acceptance in the voting process in future elections.
Rep Charlice Byrd represents District 20 in the Georgia House of Representatives.
Pickens County Sheriff’s Office Arrest Report 12/27 – 1/3
Arrest Reports, Police & Government January 5, 2021
Arrest report and photos provided by the Pickens County Sheriff’s Office. The Georgia Open Records Act (O.C.G.A. 50-18-70) allows for to obtain and post the arrest records of any and all individuals arrested in Pickens County. Those arrests are posted on for viewing pleasure. Please remember that all individuals listed have been arrested and charged, however, they are presumed innocent until guilt has been proven in a court of law.
Pickens County Sheriff’s Office Arrest Report 12/21 – 12/27
Arrest Reports, Police & Government December 29, 2020
Arrest report and photos provided by the Pickens County Sheriff’s Office. The Georgia Open Records Act (O.C.G.A. 50-18-70) allows for to obtain and post the arrest records of any and all individuals arrested in Pickens County. Those arrests are posted on for viewing pleasure. Please remember that all individuals listed have been arrested and charged, however, they are presumed innocent until guilt has been proven in a court of law.
Pickens County Sheriff’s Office Arrest Report 12/14 – 12/20
Arrest Reports, Police & Government December 22, 2020
Arrest report and photos provided by the Pickens County Sheriff’s Office. The Georgia Open Records Act (O.C.G.A. 50-18-70) allows for to obtain and post the arrest records of any and all individuals arrested in Pickens County. Those arrests are posted on for viewing pleasure. Please remember that all individuals listed have been arrested and charged, however, they are presumed innocent until guilt has been proven in a court of law.
Pickens County Sheriff’s Office Arrest Report 12/6 – 12/13
Arrest Reports, Police & Government December 15, 2020
Arrest report and photos provided by the Pickens County Sheriff’s Office. The Georgia Open Records Act (O.C.G.A. 50-18-70) allows for to obtain and post the arrest records of any and all individuals arrested in Pickens County. Those arrests are posted on for viewing pleasure. Please remember that all individuals listed have been arrested and charged, however, they are presumed innocent until guilt has been proven in a court of law.
Pickens County Sheriff’s Office Arrest Report 11/30 – 12/5
Arrest Reports, Police & Government December 8, 2020
Arrest report and photos provided by the Pickens County Sheriff’s Office. The Georgia Open Records Act (O.C.G.A. 50-18-70) allows for to obtain and post the arrest records of any and all individuals arrested in Pickens County. Those arrests are posted on for viewing pleasure. Please remember that all individuals listed have been arrested and charged, however, they are presumed innocent until guilt has been proven in a court of law.
Pickens County Sheriff’s Office Arrest Report 11/23 – 11/29
Arrest Reports, Police & Government December 1, 2020
Arrest report and photos provided by the Pickens County Sheriff’s Office. The Georgia Open Records Act (O.C.G.A. 50-18-70) allows for to obtain and post the arrest records of any and all individuals arrested in Pickens County. Those arrests are posted on for viewing pleasure. Please remember that all individuals listed have been arrested and charged, however, they are presumed innocent until guilt has been proven in a court of law.
Pickens County Sheriff’s Office Arrest Report 11/16 – 11/22
Arrest Reports, Police & Government November 24, 2020
Arrest report and photos provided by the Pickens County Sheriff’s Office. The Georgia Open Records Act (O.C.G.A. 50-18-70) allows for to obtain and post the arrest records of any and all individuals arrested in Pickens County. Those arrests are posted on for viewing pleasure. Please remember that all individuals listed have been arrested and charged, however, they are presumed innocent until guilt has been proven in a court of law.