Fishing Rodeo Set for May, Mayor Signs Proclamation

Community, Featured Stories

During the Jasper City Council this week, Mayor John Weaver signed a proclamation recognizing and renewing its agreement for the Kids Fishing Rodeo for this year. Sponsored by Pickens County Sportsman Club, the rodeo allows children under the age of 15 to fish at Cove Creek. At this month’s meeting, Jerry Steele from the sportsman club, delivered a presentation to the council regarding this year’s fishing rodeo.

Each year, the Sportsman Club uses the city’s Cove Creek Property for the event. Last year, Steele said 205 people participated in the event and over 1000 people were fed. Also, he noted 4500 trout were stocked in the creek by the DNR. By comparison, this year he said he expects approximately 5000 to 5500 trout to be stocked by the DNR in the creek. Children under the age of 15 and seniors are permitted to participate in the event, including disabled children and disabled seniors. Steele said that anyone beyond these groups who attempts to fish during the event will be ticketed.

“On Thursday and Friday, we have people with a disability and on Friday we have seniors with a disability come out and they can fish,”

Steele explained,

“and we then feed them hot dogs, chips, and something to drink.”

Last year, Steele said, the sportsman club had four charity houses participate in the event, a number Steele said he will try to increase this year. Steele explained that on certain days, the fishing is catch and release, while on others

“They are allowed to catch eight fish and they are allowed to keep eight fish.”

Council passed the proclamation unanimously, which the mayor subsequently signed and presented to Mr. Steele on behalf of the city. The proclamation states the city renews its agreement to use the city-owned Cove Creek Property with the Pickens County Sportsman Club for the Kids Fishing Day.

“I’d like to say this has been a win-win for both you guys and the City of Jasper and, of course the children and all those individuals,”

Weaver told Steele. The event will take place on May 10th, 11th, and 12th on the Cove Creel Property in Jasper.

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