Wesley Weaver Announces for Commissioner Chairman

Featured Stories, Politics

To my fellow voters and all citizens of Pickens County:

My name is Wesley Weaver. On July 31, 2012, I need you and every person in the county to go to your local polling place and cast your vote for me. If you are not registered to vote, go to http://sos.georgia.gov/elections/VRinfo.htm
I need you to elect me to be your Pickens County Commissioner Chairman. As a member of the Republican Party, I believe in small limited government, low taxes, and in the government at all levels not interfering with an individual’s constitutionally-protected property rights. I am a supporter of limited spending, which is not unnecessarily wasteful. The hard earned money which the Citizens of Pickens County have to pay in taxes should not be wasted due to a lack of foresight and poor management of the county’s executive. Up until only about 15 years ago, before the county executive began officially referring to itself as “Sole Commissioner,” the office was known as “Road Commissioner.” Back then the priority was paving the roads of the county, as it still should be. But lately, the focus has been misplaced. There has been incessant breaking ground on new “project” after new “project.” With the current never-ending, publically-funded construction that’s been going on, the hard working members of the road department have been turned into the crew of a grading company. We need to put this county back on track, specifically back on roads that are safe and comfortable for our families to be driving on.

You might have noticed the recent demolition of Pickens County’s historic courthouse. The County signed itself up for this estimated 17.1 million dollar courthouse project. What, you might ask, are we getting for all this money? No, not a new courthouse, we are instead spending all this money to remodel the existing courthouse, which will not only reduce nearby courthouse and main street parking, but will also increase traffic congestion, and further expose the county and city to potential for liability. We didn’t need to spend 17.1 million for a new courthouse, but we definitely didn’t need to waste 17.1 million in the current economy in an attempt to make something old into something new. Ask anyone in construction and they will tell you that no matter how much remodeling you do on an old building; you’re still going to be left with an old building.

I love this county and I want what is best for it. I have lived here all my life. I am proud to introduce myself as the son of Jimmy and Pam Weaver. My father Jimmy Weaver is the owner of Weaver’s convenience store in Marble Hill. He still runs the small tire shop located there. It was in this tire shop where he taught me the importance of hard work, and instilled in me from early childhood on my love of Pickens County. My mother Pam Weaver was a 1st grade teacher at Jasper Elementary School for 25 years. It was she who taught me the importance of a good education and the value of friendship. I am a 2000 graduate of Pickens High school, and a 2002 cum laude graduate of the University of Georgia. In 2005, I graduated from Southwestern School of Law in Los Angeles California. Upon my return home, I completed my judicial externship in the courts of the Appalachian Judicial Circuit and passed the bar exam in 2005. I carry on the Weaver family tradition of having never missed a single day of school; my father, both of my uncles, and my aunt, never missed a single day of school. It is the accomplishment of which I am the most proud. Some of my heroes and people who inspire me are Jesus Christ, Ronald Reagan, and my father.

Time and time again, the county continues to miss unique opportunities to save money and future expenses due to poor management. If elected, I will be one of three commissioners with the task of setting this county back on track, back on paved roadways. When elected, I will be one of three, but if you’ve been driving on bumpy roads, hitting pothole after pothole, please let me know. Direct my attention to the matter and I will do everything I can to make our roads our number one priority once again. I would appreciate your vote, and if you could tell everyone you know to vote for Wesley Weaver on July 31, 2012. Thank you very much.

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