Republican Leaders Gather in Jasper


On October 8th, Jasper became the gathering place for the top Republican leaders in Georgia. They were the guests of the Pickens County Republican Party and were here to ask what a lot of people seem to be thinking, “IS THE REPUBLICAN PARTY THE PARTY OF “NO”?. Prior to the meeting at 7 p.m. at Chattahoochee Technical College in Jasper, the speakers were treated to a hearty meal from our own FATZ Restaurant in Jasper.

Teb Bowman, Pickens County GOP Chairman sat with Vicki Willard, chairwoman of the Republican Foundation, Linda Herren, GA Committeewoman to the National GOP and John Padgett

L to R: Vicki Willard, Teb Bowman, Linda Herren, John Padgett

, Chairman of the Georgia Republican Party.

L to R: Rob Jones, Rich Anderson, Stephen Hall, Bart Connelly & Lurline Argo

Also enjoying the meal was Rob Jones, Chairman of Pickens County Commissioners, Rich Anderson, Vice Chairman of Programming, Stephen Hall, Parlimentarian, Bart Connelly, Vice Chairman of Precinct Development and Lurline Argo, Vice Chair of Fund Raising.

The program was productive and provided a new perspective about the direction of the party on a local, state and national level. No is not the word the Republicans choose but making people stop and listen is sometimes harder than imagined. The NEW VISION, both locally in our own group and state wide shows a new willingness to listen to the people who only want jobs, some security, medical benefits and the opportunity to make their own way without so much government intrusion. Mr. Don Gonyea of National Public Radio & Tammy Thompson of visited our meeting as well. The press is always invited.

We invite all voters of any party to visit our monthly meetings to meet with other voters of Pickens County to hear speakers who are vying for their votes. In the next few months, the programs will be geared in this direction. We are trying to get a commitment from Representative Doug Collins on November 23rd so that we can see what is really going on in Washington.

We also invite you to visit and read the vast number of articles from all news sources in an effort to keep you informed.

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