The Pickens County GOP Announces Candidate Forum on April 8th


From now until the final elections of 2014, your Republican Party will try to have as many candidates running for office for you to be able to meet/greet and question to help you be a truly informed voter.
April 8th, 7 p.m., Pickens County GOP will host a CANDIDATE FORUM. Accepting invitations at this printing are:

Karen Handel, former GA Secretary of State vying for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Saxby Chambliss. Karen has made several visits to Pickens County prior to officially qualifying for the GOP seat.

Ken Herron, a resident of Calhoun in the 14th District, in opposition to Tom Graves for the U.S. House of Representative seat. This will be the first visit of Mr. Herron to Pickens to our knowledge.

Rick Jasperse, GA State Representative District 11, now opposed by Democrat Charles Hendrix.

Charlie Bethel, GA State Senator District 54.

Steve Gooch, GA State Senator District 51.

As voters, we must be informed and educated about the candidates. Many voters have become disillusioned about the importance of voting because they have chosen a candidate in the past, who when elected, has failed to do the job they “promised” the voters if they would only elect them.

Now we have the 2014 elections. Depending on what news channel you choose, the most or least important elections.

But we feel that voting is still the only real voice we have as Americans. Many changes have been made outside the confines of the U.S. Constitution with few elected officials paying much mind. It is up to you, the voter, to decide if these candidates can earn your allegiance.

If you have recently moved to or within Pickens County, please be sure you check with the Pickens County Board of Elections to be sure you are properly registered to vote. There is still time before the cutoff date. If you haven’t voted in a while, check that you are still on the roles. You can also apply for a request for an absentee ballot to vote by mail.

REMEMBER, APRIL 8TH, CHATTAHOOCHEE TECH, 100 CAMPUS DRIVE, JASPER, 7 P.M. FOR THE PICKENS COUNTY REPUBLICAN PARTY MONTHLY CANDIDATE FORUM, featuring key GA positions up for grabs. The meeting is open to all interested parties or every party! Come join us for a lively evening of questions and answers.

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