A Treasonous Party?


Opinion by George McClellan:Is the entire Democrat party now to be revealed as the treasonous party? The determination of California’s leftist senator Diane Feinstein, to again diminish America’s power to protect itself from it’s enemies by revealing the trade craft methods and techniques of intelligence agencies, is unquestionably an act of treason especially since she has been told not to do so by smarter people than herself, even the great anti-semite, John Kerry, who asked her at least to delay it.

Where is the hue and cry from democrats? Oh! They’re trying to deflect attention from the Jonathan Gruber congressional testimony on how fraudulent the Unaffordable, No Care Act really was in its application and how stupid these liberals really think we are. Judging from what I hear coming from Boehner and McConnell, they may have a point.

Feinstein’s burning desire to “keep American’s fully informed” about how rotten America really is, will have dire consequences on what few friends and allies we have left, not to mention the many covert people we hired to discover and reveal the threats against us. Does the mere fact of being a US Senator, albeit, an incredibly stupid one, exculpate her from charges that would imprison someone else or find them on the hangman’s platform? I shouldn’t think so. Yet, she perseveres and from behind his soft spoken words, Obama urges her on.

When she has finished her treachery, she will enter the ranks previously explored by another politician, Bill Clinton, who committed a treasonous act when he gave Americas inter-continental missile guidance secrets to the Chinese Communist government. In retrospect one must also wonder from where did the Chinese Navy obtain its modern nuclear submarine technology?

Leftists, prattling on about Americas involvement in foreign wars, want to confuse Americans about the real purpose of a government having an effective and strong foreign policy. Our government’s first priority is to protect America. It’s foreign policy should be focused on that point and that point alone. To keep the belligerents’ fighting among themselves over there, not here, is the whole point. To keep the pot boiling in 13th century countries that want to fight each other anyway, is the epitome of our governments successful foreign policy. Obama has run that policy through a shredder. Now, they want to come here and fight us and he helped.

To capitulate to weakness because a politician does not understand that one basic function of government, raises one or two other questions: Is that politician actually that unskilled and stupid or, is the shredding of our foreign policy a purposeful, treasonous act designed with the explicit intention of destroying this country’s ability to defend itself? After six years of Obama’s Marxist/Socialist “rule”, the answer is apparent. Yes! He, and the Democrat Party he leads are the domestic enemy within, the fifth columnists, who refuse to enjoy the fruits of Americas exceptionalism, indeed, discount it as nonsense, and don’t want us to enjoy it either.

In the remaining two years of out alleged presidents (hopefully) last term, Obama is determined to finish his job of destroying the country he hates. Release of this CIA report will help do that. A Human Rights First activist, Raha Wala (I didn’t make it up), said: “Making this report public is incredibly important in order to have a clear understanding of what happened after Sept. 11 in the CIA program, and what was done in the American peoples name.” Why? All I want to know is how many and how fast of those terrorists can we kill. I care not a whit how that is accomplished or how information is obtained to achieve those objectives. At least we’re not slitting their throats in front of cameras. Remember, freedom is our goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (9 Dec 2014)

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