

Opinion by George McClellan:One term I have never used until now in attempting to adequately frame our alleged president, is “delusional”, but it is becoming increasingly clear, especially after House Speaker Boehner invited Israeli PM Bebe Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress. His paranoid reaction marks him not only as delusional, but should consigned him to the ranks of the redundant, a titular leader only, but one still with a pen and a phone. Once, in real life, this is what happened to delusional people. We used to lock ‘em up and give them toys, but now they freely roam our streets or worse, the halls of the White House.

Obama’s greatest fear for America is apparently death by drowning occasioned by rising oceans caused by (gasp) “global warming”. Delusional! Oh the humanity! To compound the many absurdities, our concerns are swept away with our attention focused on the trivial like deflated footballs, dissing the “American Sniper” movie, the PR disaster that is Sgt. Beaux Bergdahl, panic caused by the media inspired crisis over a common, piddley, annual snow storm in the Big Apple. The list of trivial nonsense engulfing us is so vast that not enough ink remains to list them all and yet, Obama dwells precisely on the trivial and ignores the real dangers that are consuming us. Delusional!

Islamic jihadism is the premier problem for the whole world because it is everywhere. But, Obama refuses to acknowledge a war against it calling Islamic atrocities, instead, a “War on Terror.” That concept will, by definition, serve to sweep even tea partier’s, 2nd amendment supporters and constitutionalists into its folds as enemies of the state. Terrorism is a tool not an enemy. We can use it too. To think that we are not really fighting Islam is delusional.

Everywhere we look we see looming examples of Progressive economics leading countries into financial ruin. Russia, on the verge of financial and economic default, still insists on waging a war against the Ukraine. The Europe’s standard of currency, the Euro, is crashing, pushed there by the Greeks who voted in a communist government that wants out of the EU. Historically, here in America, stock market corrections occur within two years. Our stock market hasn’t corrected in nearly four years. Our economy is built on quicksand. A world correction is coming.

Further to our economic problems, Saudi Arabia, leader of OPEC, is waging a war against American fracking and they are apparently winning. Add to that the problem that the next real King of Saudi Arabia, a jihadist cousin in the wings in his 60’s, will soon be running the show. That bodes ill for future friendly relations there. Obama is there now kissing the royal arse hand of the newest but very elderly royal occupant who himself is headed into dementia.

Obama’s foreign policy is in tatters, being shredded right before our eyes, and yet he wants us to see global warming as our greatest danger. Delusional! Obama ignores Egypt’s forceful new President and his speech against Islamic intolerance. Egypt is a stabilizing force, to be ignored. Yemen, the crown jewel of Obama’s foreign policy and a triumph of Obama’s Progressive idea of democracy for all, has predictably fallen to the tribal forces of another Arab Spring coup. Oh, woe! Now, Saudi Arabia is surrounded by Iran and its allies while Libya and all its arms, not already sold by Obama to Syrian jihadist’s, has been silently seized by another tribal group.

Finally, how is it that Obama’s brilliant foreign policy has placed America’s fight against ISIS, as hand in hand allies with the Persians? You can be sure that Obama’s negotiating skills will leave Iran with all it want’s, hegemony over the Levant and an atom bomb. Remember, freedom is the goal, the constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (28 Jan 2013)

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