Lordship of Christ- Conception of truth


Man has a serious problem. Remember last week when we discussed the issue that man is not basically good but instead- he is evil! That’s right! We are selfish, self-centered, narcissistic egotists! I want it “my way” or you hit the highway. We are limited and finite. Attitudes change as we find more information. Feelings adjust based upon circumstances or constantly changing situations. I remember a “Law and Order” (one of my favorite series- I like them all) show when one of the detectives, in discussing a situation, makes the statement: “My truth may not be your truth.” Whoa Nelly!!!! You mean that each of us has a system of truth! Doesn’t that destroy truth and make it personal opinion? Wait a minute- doesn’t that mean that my personal opinion is established within the context of an evil nature? We can’t live that way! Bummer!Wait a minute! We have a major problem! How can we have order within community? How can we raise families within chaos? Oh, by the way there is a great example of this dilemma. Remember the French Revolution? The revolution was based upon man’s reason, man’s wisdom. Remember what happened to Robespierre, the Minister of Virtue, of Truth. Boy, did things change for him! In fact, he lost his head over it! Remember how the revolution ended. Things got so bad because of the lawlessness, chaos, and unruliness that the door was opened for Napoleon to become dictator. Culture without truth leads to chaos which opens the door for autocratic rule- a dictator!

But wait a minute. We have truth! Not variations of truth but “true truth.” It begins with Jesus Christ who is called “truth.” Read John 1:14, 17; 14:6. Christ is God’s message to man. Christ is truth in the midst of chaos- light in the midst of darkness. John, the apostle, refers to Jesus as the “Word” (read John 1:1) Christ reveals God to us. He is God’s message for He is the very revelation of the one true God (read Col 1:15-18; Heb. 1:1-4). He is truth!!!!!

As God’s revelation to us, Christ gave authenticity and validity to God’s Word- the Scripture. He quotes from the Old Testament; He uses the Old Testament; He interprets the Old Testament. In fact, Jesus says something very interesting about the Old Testament. Turn to Matthew 5:17-19. Jesus says that “I have not come to abolish the Law and the Prophets (a common description of the Old Testament) but to fulfill them.” The context (vs 18-19) implies, not fulfill as if it is no longer needed; but rather fulfill in the sense of confirm- make more relevant. Don’t believe me- read verses 18 and 19!

Christ commissions the writing of the New Testament as the “marching orders” for His followers. Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (follow up with 1 Peter 1:20-21). John confirms this in Revelation 22:18-19. Therefore, it is our understanding that God’s Word- the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments- is TRUTH! This is a foundation upon which you can build your life, your home, your culture!

In considering the significance of the Bible, I want to present nine concepts to you. Carefully consider each (I might give you a “pop test”- you never know) because this is a book upon which you can build your life (I know I said that before but it’s because it’s important not because I am senile. Give me a break!!!!). Here we go:

1. the Bible is special revelation- God entered space-time history to give us a written word;

2. the Bible is inspired- God actually moved the authors by means of the Holy Spirit so that they wrote exactly what God wanted written;

3. thus the Bible is infallible- everything the Bible says is true;

4. thus it is inerrant- the Bible has no mistakes in it;

5. the Bible is sufficient- we don’t need anything else, not Oprah, not Dr. Phil, etc;

6. the Bible is propositional truth- it is written so we can read it (includes nouns, verbs, so forth and can be read just like a letter- which it is- it is God’s letter to His people);

7. the Bible is authoritative- God says it that settles it;

8. the Bible can be understood by each one of us that’s what perspicuity means; the word literally means “see-through-ableness” (neat word);

9. and Sola Scriptura! This means “the Bible and the Bible alone as your standard in all of life!”

Think about it. See ya!

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