Time to Spring Forward!


Daylight saving time or “summer time” begins March 11th at 2:00 A.M. This means a leap of an hour on our clocks or “spring forward” is a common term. The time change debate has long been a controversial topic with arguments of the pros and cons of the clock adjustment.Some advantages of implementing the time change are having more daylight in the evenings and it could be a means to conserve energy since less artificial light is needed in the evening hours. Some believe it could be linked to reducing the amount of road accidents. There is also a possibility it could give the tourism industry a boost since it increases the amount of outdoor activities.

Disadvantages to the change are the impact on some electronic device, confusion in travel, and also safety concerns in the dark mornings, especially for school children. Farming groups have also voiced their concerns of an adverse impact on rural communities. Many don’t like their sleep patterns out of sync and just think life would be less complicated without the change.

In the end, whether you like it or dislike it, the change still occurs this week-end! A good habit is to take the opportunity while you are adjusting your clocks and check/replace smoke detector batteries. This is a good way to ensure detectors are in working order and give you a little more peace of mind. So don’t forget to advance those clocks by 1 hour before you go to bed Saturday night!

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