Daily Prayer: 07/24


“Better to live on a corner of the roof than to share a house with a quarrelsome wife. Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and ill-tempered wife.” Proverbs 21:9,19.Father in Heaven, our homes here on the earth are sometimes far less than you designed them to be. You gave us marriage so that a man and a woman could meet each other’s deepest longings and create a heaven on earth. If a spouse, whether husband or wife, is of a contentious spirit the heaven in the home becomes a hell. Needs are not met and personalities in conflict tear each other down.

We pray for homes that are in distress. We know that problems can be solved, love can be reborn, and futures can be bright again. All of this is possible when your Spirit begins to rule over the irritable spirits of both spouses. When Jesus is the honored member of the family and head of the house, heaven can bestow loving blessings.

If this person who prays just now needs a renewed home atmosphere, help this one to bow at the feet of Jesus who can bring wholeness to a marriage.


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