It’s a Wonderful Radio?


Being a staged Radio Play might confuse some or even make them second guess. I must admit, even I had a little doubt when I found out the whole play was basically a radio presentation. It also makes it mildly amusing to write about a visual performance of a radio broadcast.

This show starts off just that way. A small chuckle arose from chest when I heard the older style radio jingles come on for modern businesses in downtown Jasper and the Radio Jingle for “WTPP Tater Patch Radio in Jasper.

Most people know the plot of this classic as George Bailey stands upon the precipice of suicide and the audience is treated to a look back over his life. But this show is so much more than the plot you might be used to.

One cannot really say that the show grew on me or became good. More truthful would be that the longer the play went on, the less my doubt got in my way. I found myself rather enjoying the small anecdotes of cast members when they weren’t on the mic for the broadcast. I found myself waiting for a sound effect as the unspoken role for the effects wizard pulled out many things to supply sound effects for the broadcast.

In fact, Tatelyn Eldredge became one of my favorite characters of the show as Tate the Sound Effects Wizard. Though she never speaks a word, several instances that I can only describe as “behind-the-scene scenes” became highlights in a splendid showing. One favorite being as she got distracted and almost missed a sound effect. Pay closer attention to this character and the entire play for all the “easter eggs” that are hidden among your peak into the studio of a live radio broadcast of It’s a Wonderful Life.

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