Renaming Stegall Drive to Veteran’s Memorial Boulevard


JASPER, Ga. – Earlier this week, on March 4, 2019, the Jasper City Council heard, and approved, a presentation to for renaming a portion of Stegall Drive to Veteran’s Memorial Boulevard.

The presentation covered most of the concerning issues as Frank Leist said the Veteran’s Association has already contacted the neighboring parties on the street, the Chamber of Commerce and the Senior Citizen, about their response changing addresses with the street name. They also have already looked into signage for the streets and the park.

The actual street name change will only stretch on the Stegall Drive from Mary Street to Maple Street.

Leist when on to note some additional ideas that could be coming to the park including some military equipment. Leist also noted that he had offered to the neighbors that they would absorb costs for the changes.

With the council’s approval, and no other concerns from 911 about the renaming, the street is officially renamed and citizens should be noticing the changes coming as the follow-up with City Manager Brandon Douglas details the logistics and operations of the change.

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