Board considers Parents’ Bill of Rights, other policies

Board of Education, Education
PBOE, new policies

PICKENS COUNTY, Ga. — The Pickens County Board of Education shared drafts of two policy revisions and two new policies at their latest meeting. One new policy would establish a parental bill of rights, while another provides regulation on “divisive concepts” and racial discrimination in schools.

Policy Revisions

Two policy revisions were shared at the meeting. One revision, on Policy JB: Student Attendance, ensures that students who are participating in 4-H activities and program won’t be recorded as absent “for any day, portion of a day, or days missed from school.”

Another policy revision requires that all K-5 Pickens County students have a scheduled recess once a day. The original language of Policy IEDA: Unstructured Break Time gave principals the discretion to “schedule unstructured break time for students in grades K-5, and are authorized to determine the length, frequency, timing, and location of breaks at their schools.” If the new policy is enacted, principals would only have the ability to control the length, timing, and location of the break. Although it requires daily recess, the revision does make an exception for students who have Physical Education that day, or for emergency circumstances and inclement weather.

The policy revision would also allow middle school principals to schedule unstructured breaks, but gives provides them the authority on the frequency, location, and length of the break. It was noted that Jasper Middle School principal Corey Thompson planned to schedule recess for both fifth and sixth graders.

Both policy revisions were approved for public review by the board. Board Chair Sue Finley noted that final approval of the revisions would be on the board’s August 11 meeting agenda.

New Policies

The board also presented two new policies, and both address topics that have received wide public attention across the country.

A draft of Policy JRB: Parents’ Bill of Rights shows that the board intends to promote “parental involvement in school district” by ensuring the Superintendent, or someone designated by them, abides by the five provisions listed. The policy would allow parents to review their child’s records, review and object to instructional material, opt out of sex education, and disallow recordings or photographs of their child.

Draft Board Policy IKBB: Divisive Concepts Complaint Resolution Process would prohibit race-based discrimination and “ensure that curricula and training programs encourage employees and students to practice tolerance and mutual respect and to refrain from judging others based on race.” In addition, the policy establishes the process in which parents, employees, or adult students can complain about policy violations. The full process can be found here.

Similar to the policy revisions, both proposed policies were approved for public review by the board, and discussion will continue during the August 11 regular board meeting.


Earlier in the July 14 meeting, the board discussed the end of pandemic-era free school meals.

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