“The Wolverine” Lacks Claws


I greatly anticipated the arrival of “The Wolverine,” as he is my favorite superhero and I was a huge fan of “X-Men Origins: Wolverine;” apparently I was the only one. That being said, the second installment in the solo Wolverine sagas is okay, it’s not awesomely outstanding, but it’s definitely not Charles Barkley’s favorite adjective, “turrible.” It just lacks claws, pun intended.I liked the movie, I don’t want to give the impression that it’s not good, it is, just not epic. Not quite lackluster, but not blockbuster either. I have to be honest, unless you want to see it in 3-D, with some “recycled” glasses of course, you can wait until it comes out on DVD.

Short synopsis, years after Wolverine shish-ka-bobed Jean Grey, he’s having nightmares and literally living under a rock. He receives an invitation to meet with a Japanese soldier whose life he saved during the dropping of the atom bomb.

After a short discussion with a hunter, about a bear, Logan accompanies Yukio, the young lady charged with bringing him to Tokyo, to Tokyo to say his goodbyes.

Spoiler Alert: Of course there is shenanigans and tomfoolery, which ends with Wolverine having to rescue the granddaughter of the soldier from an attempted Yakuza kidnapping during her grandfather’s funeral.

By this time, Logan has had his healing power reduced and has to deal with injuries and wounds for the first time in his life. That was interesting to watch, and I found that they did a great job of showing his unfamiliarity with being hurt, combined with his natural fury and disregard for his own bodily harm.

Spoiler Alert: The greatest cameo ever line, will be this generations “Yippee Kay Yay!” Mark that down, I’m calling it now.

I think that “The Wolverine” is a cool movie, but honestly it just lacks claws, pun intended/Spoiler Alert. It’s still Wolverine kicking donkeys and taking names, there’s just a little too much drama involved for my tastes.

Last thing, there is a post-credit trailer scene for “X-Men: Days of Future Past,” so stay for that.

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