America in Peril


Opinion by George McClellan:

America is in dire peril and Obama is the cause, cloaked as he is in the armor of black racism and shield by the poison of “white guilt,” against which any challenge to his treasonous acts against this country are brushed away with sneering disdain. Immunity by cowardice.

If you are not already acquainted with the writings of Sylvia Thompson, a black female Conservative writer then do so now. Read her excellent column of 26 October 2015, and your eyes will pop open. Basically, she utterly destroys any idea that Obama is seeking a Legacy. He is, she say’s, seeking the destruction of America and is accomplishing what he seeks.

By now, we all know, as we can all see for ourselves, that by his imperial decisions the daily destruction of our once great country continues apace. Publicly, Obama talks a good line. He make statements of determined resolve, then sets about doing absolutely nothing while the unconstitutional and unchallenged schemes he previously set in motion, continue to undermine Americas values, morals and security.

Sylvia Thompson pointedly states what I have said in many of these essay about the spineless political leadership (GOP’s) that would or could have brought Obama’s treasonous schemes to an early end, but did not because of his race.

America’s press is complicit in this failure to alert America to its real peril. “He’s black, therefore he must be protected!” Ms. Thompson said it this way:  “It is an insult to the intelligence of all Americans who must listen to elitist pundits on Fox news and elsewhere, and political drones in either party endeavor to make Obama’s behavior fit a pattern of normalcy. Attributing his destructive policies to “legacy building” is either self-delusion on the part of the people who make that claim or cowardliness. It would have been churlish of me to think I could have stated the problem any better.

Affirmative Action was the trojan horsed and root cause that introduced today’s social unrest. All Progressive ‘good intention’s” have lead to unintended consequences. This program was almost immediately corrupted by social progressives who lobbied that any and all (minorities) who apply for positions above their capabilities should be hired over all others despite their lack of qualifications. For education, they must be accepted into colleges and universities whether they could even read or write, so long as they ultimately could claim a degree of higher education to prove their legitimacy.

That didn’t last long before demands of promotion or elevation into supervisory jobs were enforced on administrations in schools, government and private industry, until, minorities finally arrived at the level of direct influence on those below them. “Black Lives Matter” is only one of the manifestations of this idiocy. The black despair we have seen erupt in ugly situations from as far back as the LA Watt’s Riot (1965) to Baltimore (2014), and now in our Colleges and Universities, have been warnings about Progressivisms total and complete failure.

Obama, an educated Marxist with a single goal in mind, America’s destruction, has simply advanced the narrative that America is evil, has alway’s been evil and it’s all the fault of White Europeans. Therefore their culture and accomplishments must be destroyed and replaced. The old religion of Christianity has also been a target to be replaced with the soul deadening dictates that emanate from the Qur’an of Islam. Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!  Also see:

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