Georgia’s 14th Congressional candidates talk hot topics

Business, Election 2020

Georgis’a 14th Congressional race is now in the hands of voters as early voting begins today. The candidates were unable to hit the traditional campaign trail due the global pandemic and guidelines that crippled gathering in large crowds, making hand-to-hand contact ill-advised and face masks all the fashion rage.

Still, candidates found ways to connect, including interviews via Zoom with FYN’s Susan Kirkland. Hear what they had to say on abortion, gun control, immigration, the 10th amendment and taxes.

The videos are posted on FYN’s Youtube channel or you can click the link below to hear what they have to say.

The Republican Candidates:

John Barge


Ben Bullock


Kevin Cooke



John Cowan


Kate Fuller*



Marjorie Green


Andy Gunther


Bill Hembree


The Democrat Candidate:

Kevin Van Ausdal 


*Clayton Fuller is on orders with the Alabama National Guard. Service members on orders are prohibited from campaigning.

Want to know what the 9th district candidates are saying? Read here.



Georgia 14th candidates talk about immigration

Election 2020

One issue that voters in the Northwestern Georgia district feel passionately about is immigration. Here is what the candidates for Georgia’s 14th Congressional seat have to say about immigration and securing our border. The following snap-shot is compiled from candidate interviews and their websites.

Kevin Cooke

Kevin Cooke said the wall is a compete federal issue.

“There has never been a country or people who has existed for the long term that has not controlled their borders. If you can’t control who is coming in or out of your own country then there is a sound argument that you won’t be a country for long. Constitutional authority is given to the federal government to control the situation both for legal and illegal immigration. I’m a firm supporter of  Trump with regards to his border wall.  We need to find the best way to physically and financially do that.

“It’s a combination of options for securing our border. Our border patrol is the best place to begin as far as  where to begin with the wall. They could tell us where we need the wall, drones, sensors. We have so many technologies at our disposal. There may be places where a literal wall is not the best answer. We definitely need to address that and a number of tools we can use. but traditionally, walls have worked,” said Cooke.

.To see Kevin Cooke’s interview, watch here.

Marjorie Greene

Marjorie Green said she believes “very much” in a border wall.

“Our borders must be secure and it should be fully funded. Border patrol needs to be fully funded and ICE needs to be fully funded and allowed to function. We need to end sanctuary cities. Pelosi wants sanctuary cities fully funded so they give the illegal immigrants everything. It’s like a beacon of light. They know if they can get across the border and to a sanctuary city, they’ve made it.

“We need to change the Flores Agreement that allows minors to come in with a parent, but this has led to an increase in human trafficking because people have figured out that they can take a child, not even theirs across the border.

“Do you know who the real dreamers are? Our children are the real dreamers. We can’t turn a blind eye to DACA. It’s not fair to those who have come in legally,” said Greene.

To see Marjorie Green’s interview, watch here.

John Barge

John Barge said it’s time to build the wall to stifle illegal immigration. According to his website, “No more excuses, no more second chances-it’s time to build the wall and end the culture of corruption in Washington.”

He believe securing the border is protecting citizens and is a federal issue.






To see John Barge’s interview, watch here.

Whitfield GOPClay Fuller

According to Clayton Fuller’s website, “Illegal immigration is out of control in America. For too long, politicians in Washington have refused to take action to stop people from illegally entering the United States. This has put our nation’s schools, hospitals, and various public services under strain. Our asylum process is constantly abused and is in need of overhaul. I support the construction of President Trump’s border wall and will work to deport everyone who is illegally inside our country.”



To hear what Kate Fuller has to say about her husband, Clayton, watch here.

Bill Hembree

Bill Hembree has seen first-hand where America stands on a global stage and he has a fierce desire to protect the identity of America, according to his website. Other countries see the USA as a place to go for unlimited opportunity — the demise and dilution of our country’s values damages our position on a global scale.

“One of the reasons I backed Trump in 2016, I was getting concerned about what was happening to our country. Only a few lawmakers backed him. We felt it was critical to have someone of his caliber running our country,” said Hembree.

He believes in ending birthright citizenship and chain migration.

“The system needs to be overhauled. In my world, DACA kids shouldn’t get leniency. I’ve stopped them from getting HOPE scholarship. We have a system, it needs to be followed. I do not believe there should be amnesty for those students,” said Hembree.

To see Bill Hembree’s interview, watch here.


ben bullockBen Bullock

“We have to stop the inflow of undocumented immigrants. Its an absolute tragedy to see how many come through. They aren’t paying taxes and they are pulling resources from society without giving back.

“It’s much more than a wall. It’s better technology and filling up the tunnels. The oil and gas industry can tell what is under the ground and we could use that same technology to find the tunnels and either fill them up or blow them up.

“It’s also national security issue. It can be easily breached by people who want to do me harm,” said Ben Bullock.


To see Ben Bullock’s interview, watch here.

andy guntherAndy Gunther

“The United States, as with all countries has a right to maintain sovereignty. Our country also has a fundamental responsibility to keep us safe, to protect the states from invasion. That is not an option. It is specifically enumerated in Article Four of our Constitution.

“As your congressman I will work hard to initiate and support measures to secure our border with a physical barrier called a wall, that will be augmented with other technology, and of course agents that physically patrol our borders.

“It’s a responsibility in the Constitution. The country has the right to defend itself and without tight borders, we are’t doing that,” said Andy Gunther.

To see Andy Gunther’s interview, watch here.

John Cowan

Cowan said he has seen the devastation open borders have had on both sides and stands firmly with President Donald Trump on building the wall.

“I’ve been on three separate mission trips on both sides of the border,” he said. “We spread the word and we work. It’s created a humanitarian crisis on the other side because all the people congregate there, waiting to get over the border.”

He said they remain there once they are ejected from the United States.

“The wall is a humanitarian thing. It will tell people they can’t jump the border so they won’t travel thousands of miles to get through or pay someone to get them through.”



To see John Cowan’s interview, watch here.

14 Congressional Race Van AusdalKevin Van Ausdal (Democrat)

Kevin Van Ausdal believes the wall is going in the wrong direction.

It’s expensive and eco-damaging. It’s easy to go through the wall, over the wall, under the wall. Most illegals are here because they came legally and their visas expired. We can do this with technology. It’s a smart wall, using drones and cameras to monitor the border,” he said.

“We’ve got DACAs and dreamers that need t be addressed. We need to expand immigration courts and visas. Part of the problem is businesses can’t get educated workers and visas would allow them to do that. They want to be Americans too, so we benefit them and they benefit us.

To see Kevin Van Ausdal’s interview, watch here.

Georgia’s 14th Congressional candidates speak on abortion

Election 2020

One issue that voters in the Northwestern Georgia district feel passionately about is abortion. Here is what the candidates for Georgia’s 14th Congressional seat have to say about abortion. The following snap-shot is compiled from candidate interviews and their websites.

Kevin Cooke

I’m the only one who has actually voted on these issues. Being a believer in Christ, I believe what the Word says that he knew us before we were in our mother’s womb. To have liberty and to pursue happiness, we have to have life. I would support every piece of pro-life legislation. I voted for the fetal pain bill to limit the abortions to 20 weeks and most recently, I voted for the heart-beat bill which again separates me from the rest of the field. You can know and see what I’ve done. You don’t have to take my word for it.

What we’ve done in the general assembly is take a serious look at our state’s adoption policy to make it easier and less expensive to adopt children. The fundamental view to argue that there would be more children to care for is very heinous. At that point, you are choosing who lives and who dies according to what you think their standard of life might be and that’s a scary spot for anyone in government to be a part of. Every single life is valuable. There are plenty of people in this country and state who would love to have that child as part of their family and we need to make adoption easier. As a believer its important and as a member of government, we should look at ways to help. Every individual deserves respect and I believe our founding documents demand it.

To see Kevin Cooke’s interview, watch here.

Marjorie Greene

Every life is precious — period. Unborn children should not be condemned to a painful death for the mere crime of being “inconvenient.” I will fight to end abortion-on-demand, co-sponsor the Life at Conception Act and stop taxpayer funding of abortion.

I have been certified by the Georgia Life Alliance and I work with the Georgia Right to Life. Planned Parenthood continued to provide abortions when everything was shut down and our resources were needed at the hospitals, it was selfish of them.

To see Marjorie Green’s interview, watch here.

John Barge

My belief and faith in God teachers me that life begins at conception and must be valued, protected and defended. On the issue of life, I never, ever compromise. If our legal system recognizes that a person who causes the death of an unborn child is guilty of infanticide, then how is abortion not the same? I’ll work to defund Planned Parentthoodd once and for all and defend our religious liberties which are under attack.

I don’t understand a government that will try and convict a person of infanticide, but when the mother causes the death, its a choice.

To see John Barge’s interview, watch here.



Whitfield GOPClay and Kate Fuller

I am committed to defending the most defenseless among us, the unborn child. I believe both the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution clearly give the federal government the authority and duty to protect the rights of the unborn child. I believe Roe v. Wade was one of the most destructive decisions ever taken by the Supreme Court and I will support a constitutional amendment to protect the unborn.

Clayton is 100-percent pro life. He has no problem standing up and defending the unborn, it’s essential. He has spent his life standing up and defending people who can’t defend themselves in court -victims who have suffered terrible things. It extends 100-percent to the unborn. He lives it. That’s one thing about Clay, it’s one thing to say you support something but can you back it up? He can.

Clay is much like others, certified by Georgia Life Alliance and we both agree that a woman should have access to ultrasound and listen to the heartbeat when they find out they are pregnant. A life is not a choice. Just like anyone who is born, you have to have opportunity. You can’t take care of a baby if you can’t find a job, or if you are in a negative cycle, you need help to turn that around When that baby comes, they need to be born in community that cares about his/her well-being. Community matters, it’s a much broader issue than being pro-life.

To hear what Kate Fuller has to say about her husband, Clayton, watch here.

Bill Hembree

When I served in the Georgia House of Representatives I moved legislation to protect the unborn. I’m certified by the Georgia Life Alliance. I’ll always defend the unborn.

We need to make sure we get pro life judges appointed on all levels. I made it possible for foster kids to get access to the hope scholarship because prior to that it was hard for them.

To see Bill Hembree’s interview, watch here.


ben bullockBen Bullock

Pro life all the way. Its a very personal issue to me. We had a miscarriage in our marriage and that was a soul that was lost. Someone aborting is killing an actual soul. It’s murder. The best thing we could do is strip away funding for the auxiliary funding. Ninety-percent of the cost is auxiliary — anesthesiologist, the room, the nursing care. If we cut the funding, we can cut the legs out from under those services.

We need to expand access to education and alternatives like birth control and adoption services. Women need a compassionate solution to prevent them from feeling like abortion is their only option. Adoption is a hard process there are alot of really good people looking to adopt making those facts known might change their minds. There is alot of red tape and regulation, it takes way too long and you don’t know what kind of care these children get in the interim. They need to be vetted quicker and get them into loving homes quickly.

To see Ben Bullock’s interview, watch here.

andy guntherAndy Gunther

I am certified Pro-Life by the Georgia Life Alliance. Life begins at conception. We don’t have the right to terminate that life just because we decide to, that violates God’s laws. It’s more than a talking point. I’ve walked the walk

Victoria, during her nineteenth week of pregnancy with our younger son, developed complications. A D&C was recommended (a procedure that is an abortion). We refused. From her twenty-first week on, she was in the hospital on bed rest. Three times, over the next couple weeks, the doctors came into her room to encourage an abortion. Her health was at risk and the baby would most likely not have any meaningful quality of life. Both of us stood firm that we would accept whatever God had in store for us, we would not do an abortion. At twenty-four weeks Jonathan was born by emergency C-Section. He weighed 2 pounds and 1 ounce. There were many challenges. But today he is an Army Combat Medic.The picture attached is my son two weeks after he was born.If anyone should ever challenge me on my stand on Pro-Life Issues, Victoria and I have lived that answer. I talk-the-talk but more importantly, I have walked-the-walk.

I pledge to fight against any federal abortion funding. I pledge to support efforts to weaken or eliminate “Roe VS Wade.”

To see Andy Gunther’s interview, watch here.

John Cowan

As a physician, I’m charged with protecting life. It’s easy for me to take a firm position against abortion -it represents a failed piece of society. It tells women that we don’t care about you and we just want to give you an easy out. When we have someone in that situation, they need to know their life isn’t over, it’s a real human being. It’s not good enough to say I’m against abortion, I’ll pray for you. You have to come along side of these mothers and say I know this was not the path you chose, but it’s not going to be the end of your life.

Reframe the discussion on how we can protect the life of the baby and the life of the mother. The issue is about loving one another, it’s about helping each other. It’s a complicated issue and you need people to reach hearts and minds of the other side.

To see John Cowan’s interview, watch here.



14 Congressional Race Van AusdalKevin Van Ausdal (Democrat)

Its not a form of birth control its a medical procedure. My solution is that we expand healthcare so everyone has access to it and contraception. By ensuring every american has access to health care, we can reduce the number of abortions. We need to expand sex education. That will reduce teen pregnancy I want to expand and improve our adoption process. Often they find adoption is a worse fate than abortion. We save lives by making the demand for abortions will go down while we preserve it as a medical procedure.

It’s not my business or the government business what a woman and her doctor decide.

To see Kevin Van Ausdal’s interview, watch here.

Georgia 14th candidates talk about Second Amendment

Election 2020

One issue that voters in the Northwestern Georgia district feel passionately about is the Second Amendment. Although the short amendment was ratified on Dec. 17, 1791, the interpretation of it splits politicians.

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Here is what the candidates for Georgia’s 14th Congressional seat have to say about it. The following snap-shot is compiled from candidate interviews and their websites.

Kevin Cooke

We forget that it’s there to protect us from a tyrannical government first and foremost. We don’t hear about that quite as much when the second amendment pops up. We hear about personal protection and the hunting aspect, but really, the main point when it was written was to protect the first and then the latter amendments. The second amendment is so important and makes us who we are in America. The second amendment is nothing but us recognizing what we already have, that God gave us the right. Its not something I say passively, I wholeheartedly embrace it especially  on the federal level. “Shall not be infringed” means the federal government has no authority to limit it. I supported numerous different bills supporting it. The State of Georgia decides how guns are carried. I voted for and supported every piece of legislation in the 10 years I’ve been in the assembly to include a co-sponsor of constitutional carry. I am very much for us not limiting the God given rights that we have. One  issue I hoped we would never have to face, we are dealing with right now and that is the emergency power of the governor. Prior to this, the governor could stop the manufacturing and sale of guns and ammunition in times of emergency.  We fought to get that changed.

To see Kevin Cooke’s interview, watch here.

Marjorie Greene

I was fighting against gun control laws when there was a bill in congress I didn’t like, I’d buy a plane ticket and fly to D.C. to talk to the lawmakers, on my own dime. I’m a woman gun owner, small business owner.

Gunowners of America is the longest standing and most conservative gun rights groups and they have endorsed me.  I am one of the few candidates in the country that was a part of a school shooting. My high school was taken hostage by a student who wanted to shoot people. There were no cell phones, no active shooter training. He brought three guns in a duffle bag, pulled one out in the first class. He gave up his guns after a couple of hours but he actually held the school hostage. This was at  South Forsyth High School and I was in 11th grade. It was the very beginning of the school year. There was no good guy with a gun. I don’t want our children at the mercy of someone in that frame of mind and no one able to defend them. At the same time Joe Biden was working to pass gun-free school zones.

It’s the equalizer. It levels the playing field.

To see Marjorie Green’s interview, watch here.

John Barge

I have my own concealed carry permit and have for years. The Second Amendment a is a constitutional right plain and simple. That makes it a federal issue. I have always felt like if I was a principle if I had something like that happen, I would want the option of protecting my students with a weapon. As superintendent, I have let schools make their own decisions to allow teachers to volunteer if they are trained properly. I would absolutely protect my kids that way.

To see John Barge’s interview, watch here.




Whitfield GOPClay and Kate Fuller

Clay is a firm supporter of the firearm ownership rights of law-abiding citizens. The Second Amendment clearly is an individual right and has nothing to do with the collective rights of any group. It also says nothing about hunting or sporting purposes. The founders understood that an armed citizenry was the last defense against tyranny.

Clay has actually read the Second Amendment and all the case law surrounding it. He is very aware of the creeping attacks on it. It’s not just one big attack, its incremental, chipping away at this right. He sees all of it and he gets it. Clay also feels very strongly that the right to bear arms preceded the the amendment. We already had the right. It’s a God given right to protect oneself. You can’t take this away, it’s already here. It’s an essential part of this country, and you need  people pushing back against the chip chip chip.

He was in D.C., working with the administration when the bump stock ban happened. He was against it, he spoke up. He was overwritten, but it was gun control.

To hear what Kate Fuller has to say about her husband, Clayton, watch here.

Bill Hembree

I’m a very strong on Second Amendment. When I was in the House moved legislation to support our right. The NRA gave me an A or A+ rating nine times, I have a track record. That’s so important when dealing with protecting our Second Amendment

To see Bill Hembree’s interview, watch here.



ben bullockBen Bullock

Taking guns away from law-abiding citizens won’t keep bad people from doing bad things. Period.

Georgians should be able to own guns for hunting or self-defense if they choose to do so. Owning a firearm is a constitutional right, no matter how hard Washington liberals try to fight it. If elected, I will protect our Second Amendment rights in Congress.

Being a gun owner and hunter, I will always protect it. I believe in the philosophical belief, they were escaping an absolute monarchy with no way to defend their rights. It’s a very valuable check and balance. An interesting anecdote, many people do not believe Japan invaded the us because all our citizens were armed. We do not need more laws. The red flag laws are totally inappropriate. They are not constitutional. It always go back to how do you stop mass shooting: it’s an emotional reaction. But school shootings is a matter of mental health and school security-safety issue.

Mental health is a huge issue and it’s tied to the opiod crisis. Addressing things early on and not letting it progress to where it’s not treatable. We have to do more.

To see Ben Bullock’s interview, watch here.

andy guntherAndy Gunther

Gunther believes all the rules to make it easier to carry  looks good but show how the government infringed on that right to begin with. The bills brought forward are not going far enough. There should be a national right to carry.

Restrictions on gun ownership should be placed on violent offenders that have proven that they do not value life. Aggravated assault, murder, aggravated rape are examples. People on illicit drugs, and people with severe, dangerous mental health issues should also be restricted. I do not believe  in the “Red Flag” laws being pushed forward because those will create a “slippery Slope.”


To see Andy Gunther’s interview, watch here.

John Cowan

Liberals use gun control as a cop out to be lazy. They want to take the guns away rather than look at other solutions. We need more dads in the households who can teach their children to use them properly. The problem is the people who pull the trigger, not the weapon. Those doing these things don’t have fathers around or mothers- they are either gone or not there emotionally. They don’t have a church or community. Our problem is so many have turned their back on God or they’ve turned their back on those who don’t have anyone. We need to show them why we don’t need to infringe on our guns by showing that in our communities we will teach the youth how important it is. Educating the youth is as important as marching. We have to practice what we preach. We have to be involved in church or community and find these young men who don’t have a man in their life and teach them. It would promote a new respect for the Second Amendment.

To see John Cowan’s interview, watch here.



14 Congressional Race Van AusdalKevin Van Ausdal (Democrat)

I’m very different than most of my party on the Second Amendment. I don’t believe in banning high capacity magazines. It doesn’t address the issue of gun violence. I believe ownership is ingrained into our culture and it’s how we won our freedom. I want to preserve that for us. The Second Amendment is to protect ourselves from animals, criminals and a tyrannical government.

We can expand background checks without forming registries. We need a solution that will preserve our rights and make decisions that will protect our family. we want meaningful reform,

I would like to see all private sales go through background checks and have NICS open to all to give private sellers the confidence.

I don’t know why bump stocks are illegal but you can own a full automatic weapon if you have enough money for the license. I don’t like registries for accessories, but we could do that.  We need to go back to the National Firearms Act of 1934 and make some changes. For instance sawed off shot guns are illegal but revolvers shooting shot guns shells are legal.

To see Kevin Van Ausdal’s interview, watch here.

Whitfield GOP hosts candidates for Georgias 14th


Whitfield GOP hosted candidates seeking to garner the most votes in the party’s primary election. Voters in the May 19th primary election will have to choose between nine Republican candidates who all support President Donald Trump, believe in the Second Amendment, support pro-life and want to battle socialism.

“We’re very fortunate,” said Dianne Putnam, chairman for the Whitfield County Republican Party which hosted a candidate forum on Tuesday night.

Each candidate was given five minutes to speak to the audience of about 150. The audience was encouraged to talk to each candidate individually before and after the event.

Three candidates were unable to attend. Representatives for John Barge said he had a scheduling conflict. Kevin Cooke, who represents the eighth district in the Georgia State House, was wrapping up legislation at the House. A spokesman for John Cowan said he had a family conflict and was unable to attend.

All candidates or their stand-ins voiced support for Trump, voiced concerns about illegal immigration, and touched on Second Amendment and pro-life.

Where candidates differed were backgrounds and experience.

Matt Laughridge

Whitfield GOP

Matt Laughridge

Matt Laughridge said he business experience sets him apart.

“I know what its like to sign the front of the check and the back of the check,” he told the Whitfield GOP. “What we need is someone is going to fight everyday against socialist democrats.”

Laughridge said he believes and will fight for shrinking the federal government, term limits, and finishing the wall.

“Handouts don’t work. I see it every day in my business. It drives down the economy.”


Marjorie Greene

Whitfield GOP

Marjorie Greene

Candidate Marjorie Green said she is a political outsider who never considered running for Congress but was inspired by Trump after doing events for him and going to Congress as an independent lobbyist to voice concerns over policies.

She told the Whitfield GOP she was concerned over the Democrats policies to open borders, take over healthcare, and implement costly policies such as the Green New Deal.

“The Green New Deal is $93-trillion, Medicare for al is $54-trillion. I can’t unsee the future ahead for my children,” she said. “These policies are destructive to our country and our children.”


Bill Hembree

Whitfield GOP

Bill Hembree

Candidate Bill Hembree the Whitfield GOP he was challenged by former President Ronald Reagan when he was just 17-years-old to go into public service. He met Reagan at an entrepreneur rally and was inspired by the presidents “eternal optimism.”

He was elected into the Georgia House of Representatives at age 26 and started an insurance business.

“The Democrats are trying to destroy what we’re doing. I believe in freedom. We are one nation under God and I will protect and defend the Constitution.”



Kevin Cooke

Kevin Cooke was not present but his spokesperson said Cooke has experience as he is currently serving in the Georgia State House, representing

Kevin Cooke

district 17, Haralson and Carroll counties.

“He has a record for standing up to even Republicans when they wanted to increase the size of government,” he said.

Cooke currently works for Shorter University as Associate Athletic Director, is a farmer, small businessman and was formerly a law enforcement officer and Southern gospel singer.


Ben Bullock

Whitfield GOP

Ben Bullock

Candidate Ben Bullock told the Whitfield GOP his experience as a veteran, primarily working in counter intelligence would give him experience very few in Washington have.

“Only 18% of our representatives are veterans,” he said. Bullock worked at the Pentagon where he supported the Secretary of Defense.

“I want to focus on national security,” he said, adding that economic development, infrastructure, and protecting existing businesses were also important.



John Barge

Whitfield GOP

John Barge

John Barge was represented by his campaign manager at the Whitfield GOP who cited Barge’s tenure as State School Superintendent and his willingness to stand up to the federal government as reason to consider him for the 14th district. Barge served in the position between 2011-2015, taking the helm shortly after Georgia schools were recognized as coming in first in the “Race to the Top” campaign.

“The result was the federal government told Georgia they were going to change everything, from the curriculum to how it was taught and they threatened to with hold funding if it wasn’t followed,” he said.

Barge tried discussing the matter through emails and phone calls before heading to Washington, D.C.

“He told them if they with held the money, we’d deal with it. It wasn’t worth letting the federal government have control. They didn’t withhold any of the money. We need someone who can stop the madness and tell them no.”

Clayton Fuller

Whitfield GOP

Clayton Fuller

Candidate Clayton Fuller was selected by Trump and his administration to work on national security. The former prosecutor and veteran said he understands what the President faces because he attended the national security meetings and had to defend the President’s decisions in them.

He also said his experience as a cancer survivor, while in service, showed him that a one-payer system isn’t the best system for medical care.

“It almost killed me,” he said.



John Cowan

Whitfield GOP

John Cowan

Candidate John Cowan was not available, but his spokesperson said Cowan was inspired to run after talking to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson.

“Carson saw the quality of man he was,” said his spokesman.





Andy Gunther

Whitfield GOP

Andy Gunther

Candidate Andy Gunther said his experience and training as an Army Ranger gives him the tenacity needed to go to Washington, D.C. He said he was a Constitutional Conservatist, believing the Constitution is as important now as when it was first written.

“I believe the first ten amendments were to put a limit on the government, not us,” he said.

He spoke of needing to break America’s dependency on China, something he’s been championing for since 2004.







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