USPS To Temporarily Raise Prices For Peak Holiday Season

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GEORGIA, US– The United States Postal Service (USPS) intends to temporarily increase their prices for the 2022 holiday season.

A USPS truck. USPS intends to increase prices during peak holiday season

Photo by Joel Moysuh on Unsplash

On Wednesday August 10th, the USPS filed a notice with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) regarding a temporary price increase for the holiday season. This price increase is something USPS has done in the past  to make a revenue while keeping some of the lowest prices in the mailing industry.

The proposed price increase would go into effect at 12 am Central on October 2nd, 2022 until 12 am Central on January 22nd, 2023. The price increase would affect “commercial and retail domestic parcels: Priority Mail Express (PME), Priority Mail (PM), First-Class Package Service (FCPS), Parcel Select and USPS Retail Ground.” International mailing services will not see any price hikes.

Product Current Planned Increase
Parcel Select Destination
Delivery Unit (DDU)
Starts at $3.50 25 cents
Parcel Select DSCF Starts at $3.77 75 cents
Parcel Select DNDC Starts at $4.84 75 cents
USPS Connect Local Starts at $3.95 No change
Parcel Select Lightweight (DDU) Starts at $2.32 No change
Parcel Select Lightweight
Starts at $2.72 No change
Parcel Return Service Starts at $3.37 No change








The Governors of the Postal Service already approved the planned temporary price change, and USPS expects a favorable outcome with the PRC.

For a full list of commercial and retail pricing, please click here.

Picken’s County Board of Elections and Registration Meet

Business, Community, Election, Feature News, News, Politics

The Picken’s County Board of Elections met by a virtual online meeting on July 29, 2021 at 6:30 PM.  The meeting was to discuss the new and old business on the agenda . Present at the meeting was Chairperson Joshua Tippens and four other Board members, Ellen Harrison, Barbara Balducci, Mike Carver and Rebecca Cantrel.   Also present was Ms. Stacey Godfrey who was recently elected as the new Superintendent of Elections and Voter Registration. There were several other participants to the virtual meeting as well.  The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and the approval of the minutes. First on the agenda was the adoption of the new by-laws which were voted in unanimously by all board members.

The Board then voted on the appointment of a new Vice-Chairperson and Joshua Tippens recommended Board member Mike Carver and also recommended was Rebecca Cantrel.   Board voted three in favor for Mr. Carver and one for Rebecca Cantrel. Next the panel discussed the new permanent location that would become Picken’s County new Voter location at the Municipal Courthouse in the back of the police station located at 55 Dixie Street, Jasper.   The board voted unanimously for the change in location. Next Mr. Tippens discussed the technical upgrades that would be required in the near future but would be unable to happen until early December. In the meantime they would look to outsource the equipment at other locations. The board approved the upgrading of the technical equipment up to $5,000 for staff workstations. Also on the table for upgrades was the phone system upgrade currently held with ETC and this was also approved at a four to zero vote.


Picken’s County Board members at a recent meeting

The board also voted on a new ‘all-in-one’ copy machine which they had received quotes on and decided to a 48 month lease. This was also unanimously approved and along with a network switch required for the new system to be installed through Eclipse Networks at a fee of around $1800. New employee Kay Hughes was also voted in as a new part time administrative assistant and would work no more than 29 hours per week.  There were no staff comments, no public comments but several of the board members did comment of what a terrific job Ms. Godfrey was doing in her new position. In her short tenure as Superintendent of Elections she had accomplished many new tasks and achieved a number of requirements including organizing all past meeting minutes, CES training as well as Cyber Security Training, working out problems with the software, updating registration records, updating addresses, working closely with the State of Georgia and taking all required training classes and more.

The meeting concluded at 6:55 pm.

Newly elected Superintendent Stacey Godfrey is pictured here (left)


Pam Guenther

I am a native of N.H but more recently lived in Florida for most of my life recently moving to Georgia. I am a graduate of Concord, N.H. High School and also the N.H. tech Institute. I raised three children, my youngest being a Florida Highway Patrolman in Gainesville Fl. I love the mountain life and enjoy writing, walking, motorcycles and most outdoorsy activities. I love meeting new people and making new frineds because everyone has a story!

Ask The Doc: COPD And Kidney Failure

ask the doc

This morning, the doctors discussed a question Regarding COPD. What is the Life Expectancy and Prognosis with COPD. What are the stages? How do you recognize End Stage COPD? Can you reverse COPD damage? The Doctors also discuss a question regarding Kidney Failure as a result of Diabetes. How does diabetes affect the kidneys? The doctors also touch on the latest in Covid-19 news.

Ask The Doc: Dieting And Weight Loss

ask the doc

This week, we are joined by Dr. Raymond Tidman! Dr. Tidman discusses why he chose to become a doctor. What makes a good Doctor? He also touches on the practice of dieting and What doesn’t work and what does. What is the best way to diet? What is the importance of knowing how many calories are in the food you eat? They also take some time to touch on the vaccine. Who should be taking it?

Ask The Doc: Lung Spicules After Monitoring Kidney Mass And subconjunctival hemorrhage

ask the doc

This week, the Doctors discuss a Viewer question regarding a Kidney mass where the doctor is monitoring the growth. After monitoring the growth they discover Spicules On Lung Scan. Is it Small Cell Lung Cancer? Will they have to Remove the Kidney. What is the Survival Rate Of Lung Cancer and of Kidney Cancer? They also touch on A question regarding Having multiple Bloody eyes over the course of 6 weeks. What is a subconjunctival hemorrhage? How Common are they? What causes subconjunctival hemorrhages? Is it a sign of something bigger happening in the body? What are the causes of psoriasis? The Doctors also touch on the latest Covid-19 news for this week.

Ask The Doc! Sleep Apnea And Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia

ask the doc

This week, The Doctors discuss Sleep Apnea. How harmful is it? What exactly is Sleep Apnea? How is it treated? What is the mortality Rate of Sleep Apnea? The doctors also touch on Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia. what is it? How do you begin treatment? They also touch on the latest Covid-19 News. All this and more on Ask The Doc!

Ask The Doc: Keytruda And Rectal Metstases

Featured Stories
ask the doc

This week, the doctors discuss Achilles Tendonitis. How do you treat it? How long is the recovery time? They also touch on the use of Keytruda (Jimmy Carter Drug) and the side effects that can come from it. Lastly, they address a question regarding Rectal Metastases. What is the treatment plan? The doctors also discuss the latest in vaccine news.

Ask The Doc! Ascites And Spindle Cell Sarcoma

ask the doc

This week, the Doctors discuss Ascites in a patient whose lung Cancer is being treated by the Jimmy Carter Immune Therapy. What is it? How is it treated? They also touch on the Spindle Cell Sarcoma. How serious is it? What are the different kinds of Sarcomas? The doctors also give a brief Covid update.

Ask The Doc! PSA elevation And Liver Biopsy While Being Treated For Breast Cancer

ask the doc

This morning, Dr. Whaley discusses PSA elevation with a patient that wants to watch and wait. Is that the best choice? Should he get his prostate removed now or watch and wait? He Also touches on A question from a woman who is currently being treated for breast cancer. After having a pain in her side, her doctor wants to do a biopsy of her liver. If she’s already being treated for breast cancer, is it necessary? What does the doc say? All this and more Right here on Ask The Doc!

Ask The Doc! Developing Amyloidosis And Antiphospholipid Syndrome

ask the doc

This morning, The doctors discuss a question regarding Developing Amyloidosis after two Stem cell treatments. What can Amyloidosis affect and what is the treatment? They also touch on Antiphospholipid Syndrome. What is it? What causes it? How is it treated? Dr. Whaley also discusses the latest in Covid-19 news! All This and more on Ask The Doc!


Ask The Doc! Pancreatic Neoplasm & Anorectal Abscesses

ask the doc, Surface time

This morning, The doctors discuss Dr. Tidman’s Trip to the British Virgin Islands. What hoops did he have to jump through in order to make it there and back. They also discuss Neoplasm Pancreatic Cancer. How does it develop? Why is it so hard to diagnose Pancreatic Cancer? They also discuss Anorectal Abscesses. Where do they come from? How would the Doctors treat them? They also give us a brief Covid-19 update.


Ask The Doc: Blood Clotting Gene And Recurring Cancer After 4 Years

ask the doc

This week, Dr. Whaley discusses a blood clotting gene that can be passed down from parents. How likely are you to get it if one of your parents have the gene. What increases the likelyhood of getting a blood clot? He also discusses Prostate cancer recurring after 4 years. What is Oligo-metastatic prostate cancer and how is it treated? Dr. Whaley also gives his weekly covid update. All this and more on Ask The Doc!

Ask The Doc! Hemochromatosis & Lung Masses

ask the doc

This week, Dr. Whaley discusses Hemochromatosis in a healthy patient that had unknowingly been treating it for 30 years. How does he go about treatment now? He also discusses a patient with a broken shoulder that was scanned when a lung mass too small to biopsy showed up on the scan. What’s the latest on Covid?


Ask The Doc! Endometrial Carcinoma And Breast Cancer In The Elderly

ask the doc, virus, information

This week, the doctors are answering all of your health questions! Why is it important to keep up with your annual doctors appointments. What is Endometrial Carcinoma? How common is it? What are the outcomes? What are the different methods of treatment? How do you treat breast cancer in different age groups? What impact does age have on the type of treatment of Breast cancer? They also touch on the recent covid news and some Viewer questions regarding Covid-19.

Ask The Doc! A Year Later

ask the doc

This week, the doctors discuss the pandemic and where we were at just a year ago. They discuss the uncertainty and the lack of knowledge we had just a year ago. How much has changed is just a year. They also discuss the viewer questions regarding Large Granular Lymphocyte Leukemia and the “Maintenance” after having a bone marrow transplant. Where do we stand with outdoor events? All this and more right here on Ask The Doc!

Ask The Doc: Long Term Effects of Surviving Cancer

Just For Fun, Lifestyle
ask the doc, Surface time

This week, Dr. Whaley and Dr. Raymond Tidman discuss some questions sent in by viewers. They touch on the long term effects of Cancer and some possible complications of surviving cancer. They also discuss how to know when you’re cured of cancer. Is there anyway to prevent future complications for cancer survivors? The doctors also discuss the current numbers of cancer survivors compared to in the past.

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